Speaking to reporters after the launch of the first look of Karan Johar's forthcoming film Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu, where she is playing the leading lady opposite Imran Khan, Kareena Kapoor said that she doesn't consider herself to be the number 1 heroine in Bollywood.
Actor Kareena Kapoor may be the reigning queen of Bollywood with a string of hits like Bodyguard, RA.One, 3 Idiots and Golmaal 3, to her credit, but the Heroine feels that beau Saif Ali Khan is the number one hero.
Things are going great guns for Kareena be it in terms of her box office success or propositions that are lined up for release including Agent Vinod opposite Saif besides Madhur Bhandarkar's Heroine and Talaash opposite Aamir Khan.
"I don't think I am heroine number one. But Heroine is a very special to me. After a long time, I am doing a performance oriented role. It is not for me to tell whether I am number one or not...I cannot say it," PTI reported as Kareena saying.
Though, Karan and Imran both felt Kareena is heroine number one "she never says this on public platform..," Karan chuckled.
Kareena took over as Bhandarkar's new leading lady for Heroine after Aishwarya Rai Bachchan announced her pregnancy in June this year.
About her success mantra, Kareena said, "I feel I just have been lucky enough to get some good films, good directors, good scripts and good co-stars. For me Saif is the number one hero."