Ajith is donning the leading role in his 51st film titled Billa 2. Parvathy Omnakuttan is pairing with him. This film which is being directed by Chakri Toleti has the music of Yuvan Shankar Raja. There was news earlier that Ajith after Billa 2 will act in a film to be produced by A M Rathinam. This film was supposed to be directed by Vishnuvardhan.
Cinema News From Tamilomovie.com
Now Ajith’s 53rd film is to be produced under the banner Vijaya Productions. This film is being produced on the occasion of occasion of birth centenary of Shri B Nagi Reddy. Shiva who directed Siruthai will be directing this film.
Yuvan Shankar Raja will be composing the music. Vetri has been signed to handle the camera. The other cast and crew is yet to be finalized. It is expected that the shooting of this film will commence during the month of July2012. Reliable sources say that Anushka will don the female lead role in this film.
Cinema News From Tamilomovie.com
Now Ajith’s 53rd film is to be produced under the banner Vijaya Productions. This film is being produced on the occasion of occasion of birth centenary of Shri B Nagi Reddy. Shiva who directed Siruthai will be directing this film.
Yuvan Shankar Raja will be composing the music. Vetri has been signed to handle the camera. The other cast and crew is yet to be finalized. It is expected that the shooting of this film will commence during the month of July2012. Reliable sources say that Anushka will don the female lead role in this film.