


How does Yeast Infection Develop?

The fungus yeast is commonly found in human skin and in areas which contain moisture, such as the mouth and the vagina. Candiasis or yeast infection is usually caused due to an overgrowth of the fungus Candida. Symptoms include redness, itching, irritation and a whitish discharge from the genital area. Men may not show the same symptoms, but in severe cases, may develop sores or blisters on the penis. It may be accompanied by a burning sensation during urination.

How does yeast infection develop

  • People may develop yeast infection after taking oral antibiotics that kill the useful flora in the gut.
  • Hormonal changes in the body can also lead to a yeast infection. Such changes cause the acidic environment of the vagina to change and kill some of the good bacteria.
  • Irritants in perfumed hygiene products can also cause candiasis. This is because these products change the acidic balance in the vagina and kill the good bacteria that fight off Candida.
  • People with diabetes or weak immune systems are more likely to develop yeast infection.
  • Candiasis is also transferred through sexual intercourse. Men may develop penile skin irritation due to yeast infection after intercourse with an infected woman.
  • Vulvovaginitis or inflammation of the vulva or vagina develops when new yeast comes into the vaginal area or there is a noticeable increase in the fungus already present. When the protective bacteria are eradicated by antibiotics or other immunosuppressive drugs, the yeast multiplies and causes irritation of the vaginal lining.
  • Vaginal yeast infections can be a result of injury to the inner vagina.
  • Sometimes sexual partners transfer the infection back and forth to each other. This is the reason why a physician might suggest treatment of both partners in case one has the infection.
How does yeast infection develop is a question frequently asked as almost 75% of the women have undergone this infection at least once in their lives. A minor infection can be treated by over-the-counter medicines available at pharmacies. In case of persistent problem, it is suggested to consult a doctor.